What is Love? A True Animal Love Story

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Animals have feelings too. Don’t abuse them. The following photos are amazing. I guess that is how they came up with the term ‘Love Birds’.

puppy dog mother love die death

What is Love? A True Animal Love Story
Here his mate is injured and the condition is appalling.

What is Love? A True Animal Love Story
Here he brings her food and attends to her with love and compassion.

What is Love? A True Animal Love Story
Brings her food but is shocked with her death and try to move her.

What is Love? A True Animal Love Story
Stand beside her and scream saddened of her death.

What is Love? A True Animal Love Story
Finally aware that she would not return to him and she has departed, stands beside her body, sad and sorrowful.

What is Love? A True Animal Love Story
Photos of two birds are said to have been taken in the Republic of Ukraine Where the bird is trying to save his mate. Millions of people cry after watching this picture in America and Europe. It is said that the photographer sold these pictures for a nominal price to the most famous newspaper in France. And all the copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day of publishing these pictures.

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Signs – A short film about Love with not a single spoken word

You must watch the short film embedded in this page, you must! It is a short film with no spoken words by both actors but the message is clear.


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    c0wb0yz [ Reply ]

    “It is said that the photographer sold these picture for a nominal price to the most famous news paper in France. And all the copies of that news paper were sold out on the day of publishing these pictures.”

    Believe me, I’m from France and that’s such bullshit.

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      Touching and Remarkable

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        Kelly Hodgkins [ Reply ]

        Does love exist? Seriously…? Is it a fairy tale story

  2. Gravatar
    maureen g.galendez [ Reply ]

    i like it…nice shot..

  3. Gravatar
    Bella oei [ Reply ]

    I agree with cowboy, that I can find the related within France Newspaper with this two Birds

  4. Gravatar
    RINKESH [ Reply ]

    it is said that love get mutiplied by division. its true by this event.

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    parveen [ Reply ]

    amazing this is true luv

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    Mohammad [ Reply ]

    this the most sad meaning of true love that I know no one els i don’t know but there is some one to feel it from my heart . i thanked from that photographer that he tried that mach to say the true meaning of love.

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    Tawfiq Wasiq for Afghanistan Kabul [ Reply ]

    I don’t know what ot say but i know it means very love of some one and me

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    Soujanya Sankar [ Reply ]

    I cried alot seeing this pic’s. This is really a true love but humanbeings does not have that.I hope they should learn from this beautiful true story. Sorry if I have hurted anyone.but it’s true.

  9. Gravatar

    It’s Tragic ! Humans are not Humans anymore ….that dirty photographer enjoyed dying sold dyng pic instead of saving !!!

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      grab your tissues before reading these real-life stories of love, loss and hope

  10. Gravatar

    This means love is blind .

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    sundar grg [ Reply ]

    Really heart touching picture and story its really so sad.

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    Dave Taylor [ Reply ]

    Reminds me of Lion King… ahh….

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      ZamZam [ Reply ]

      Nothing makes this girl happier than a good love story.

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    Steven Musil [ Reply ]

    Such beautiful photos, even animal knows what is love… amazing

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