14 Japanese Words Of Wisdom – Inspirational Sayings And Quotes

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Since the dawn of human civilization, elders in different cultures have passed down words of wisdom from one generation to another. These wisdoms will then guide the young, inspire the old and shape the future. The following collection of famous Japanese proverbs and words of wisdom are steeped in the Asian nation’s way of life. Due to the proximity to China, some sayings are influenced by Chinese culture, thus the overlaps.

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Fall seven times, stand up eight. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
Fall seven times, stand up eight.

A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle.

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When a character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
When a character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.

A round egg can be made square according to how you cut it; words would be harsh according to how you speak them. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
A round egg can be made square according to how you cut it; words would be harsh according to how you speak them.

Life is for one generation; a good name is forever. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
Life is for one generation; a good name is forever.

One who smile rather than rages is always the stronger. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
One who smile rather than rages is always the stronger.

Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

The inarticulate speak longest. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
The inarticulate speak longest.

Virtue is not knowing but doing. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
Virtue is not knowing but doing.

Money grows on the tree of persistence. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
Money grows on the tree of persistence.

The day you decide to do it, is your lucky day. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
The day you decide to do it, is your lucky day.

The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high.

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Forgiving the unrepentant is like drawing pictures on water. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
Forgiving the unrepentant is like drawing pictures on water.

We learn little from victory, much from defeat. Japanese Words Of Wisdom
We learn little from victory, much from defeat.


  1. Gravatar

    Japanese people are wise people

  2. Gravatar
    Lokmanamirul [ Reply ]

    A great article… Im like this quote.

  3. Gravatar

    Loved the japanese wisdom.
    Could you tell me the japanese version of :-
    Forgiving the unrepentant is like drawing pictures on water.

    How to say it in japanese ?

    • Gravatar
      Jaisel [ Reply ]

      Yurusenai hito wo yurusu to Omizu ni i kaku to issho!
      Is the best i can translate…I’m not a japanese but i’d been living here
      for over twenty years ?

  4. Gravatar
    SYED AMJAD ALI [ Reply ]


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