Simply ask one of your friends what is the most popular gadget in the world and they’re likely to say its the iPod, Wii, PS3 or Motorola Razr, close but then again not close enough. This low end candy bar phone has sold a whopping 200 million units, making it the world’s most popular mobile phone in the world much like Henry Ford and his T-Model, this low-end candybar has put the 100 million iPods, 50 million RAZRs, 10 million Chocolates, and 115 million PlayStation 2 consoles to shame in terms of sheer units moved.
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You’re more likely to have a friend with a Nokia 1100 than an iPod or Playstation, and the best part is, I used to have a Nokia 1100 and the best feature would be none other than the battery, I only need to charge once every three weeks, yeah it lasts that long! Can the iPhone pull off such a miracle where the Motorola RAZR failed?
When was this article written, back in 1999? The worlds most popular phone today, by far is the Blackberry.
Hi Dr.Michael
The “most popular phone” as in total volume shipped.