7 Tips on Creating the Most Awesome Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations

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You do not need to be a creative person to come up with creative and interesting powerpoint slides. The rules are really simple, that is – Keep it simple. To search for large photos via Google, click on the ‘Search tools’ button and a new tab will appear, select ‘Size’ and then ‘Large’ to filter the results. Now only large images will appear. A big and sharp image is the key to good presentation.

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8 Tips on Creating the Most Awesome Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations

As for color, most of us are not experts in combining different colours. This is why they use a Color Palette to find the best color combination for their presentation. Just google ‘Color Palettes’ or visit one of my favorite sites – Colour Lovers.

As for fonts, unless you are using Google Docs to create your presentation, you are pretty much stuck with most of the default fonts by Microsoft Office. Google Fonts has a huge collection of fonts, they are free but only for online applications. General summary:

  • 01 – Tell a great story with big photos, a picture is worth a thousand words.
  • 02 – The 10/20/30 Rule 
( 10 slides, 20 minutes, 30 point fonts )
  • 03 – Less is more
, keep it simple and short
  • 04 – Use simple and clear icons & graphs visualize text
  • 05 – Use the correct typography
  • 06 – Colors temperature is important
  • 07 – Structure your slides
 like a storyboard, make it flow
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    Mike Viney [ Reply ]

    Thanks for featuring our presentation Ngan, solid roundup of other presentation tips also!

    I see you’re aussie too, if you want to connect hit me up on

    Cheers mate,

    Deck Works

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      Geckoandfly [ Reply ]

      Hi Mike, am not aussie. I studied in Curtin University, Perth.

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    Mike Viney [ Reply ]

    My bad! :)

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