How to Convert and View Microsoft Office DOCX Format

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For those that are still using Microsoft Office 2000 and 2003, Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats is a tiny addon that enables your Office Word to save and edit files in DocX format. As for Microsoft Office 2007, it comes bundled with the service pack.

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Install this compatibility pack if you would like to open, edit, and save documents, workbooks, and presentations that were created in the newer versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Scroll down to see instructions and system requirements.

How to Convert and View Microsoft Office DOCX Format with Office

Supported Operating System

  • Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows Vista Service Pack 1
  • Windows XP Service Pack 1
  • Windows XP Service Pack 2
  • Windows XP Service Pack 3
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008

Recommended Microsoft Office programs

  • Microsoft Word 2000 with Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft Excel 2000 with Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 with Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft Word 2002 with Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft Excel 2002 with Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 with Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft Office Word 2003 with at least Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft Office Excel 2003 with at least Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 with at least Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003
  • Microsoft Office Excel Viewer 2003
  • Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2003
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With FileFormatConverters.exe by Microsoft, not only can you read Microsoft Office Word 2007 format with Microsoft Office 2003, you can open, edit, and save documents, workbooks, and presentations in the file formats new to Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007.

Before installing the software, please ensure your system and Microsoft Office is up to date by installing all High-Priority/Required updates on Microsoft Update. Download Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats.

If you are using a Mac, get the Microsoft Office Open XML File Format Converter for Mac – this enables you to convert ‘docx’ format to ‘rtf’ format which is compatible with the Office for Mac.

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Microsoft Office 365 vs Google Docs App

Alternatively, Google Docs is an online solution for creating and editing documents. The only drawback is you will not be able to access your files if there is no internet connection. Since it is free, technically speaking it is, there isn’t much to complain about. The other drawback is all files are stored in the cloud, thus making it almost impossible for a corporate to store sensitive information and documents online.

Microsoft Office 365 vs Google Docs App


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    Louis Altman [ Reply ]

    how can I read .docx files with Word 2004 for Mac?

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    sheena [ Reply ]

    this is a valid email id. i want to read files sent to me in word2007 version. i have word 2004 in my pc.

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    satish [ Reply ]

    How To Convert and View Microsoft Office 2007 DOCX Format With Office 2003

  4. Gravatar

    how to convert the office 2007 to office 2003 and how to convert the office 2003 to office7

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    ramesh [ Reply ]

    i need to ms office 2007 to ms office 2003 Converter

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    ashutosh [ Reply ]

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    aaron mukuya [ Reply ]

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    i need to ms office 2007 to ms office 2003 Converter

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    Jai Mishra [ Reply ]

    i need to ms office 2007 to ms office 2003 Converter

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    Denise Laaziz [ Reply ]

    When I purchased Microsoft Office 2010 the lady behind the counter talked like she did know what she was talking about and she even said she had purchased MS Office 2010 that is how she knew the Product Key Code was inside this card she got me that I paid over 300.00 for the product. I was still currently using the free copy and getting tons of help and training from other users. Even others given me ideas to help me let the software do the great job it was designed to do. I received so much help and training from the users of this product I did not even think twice about purchasing the software. The one mistake I made was purchasing it at Walmart and trusting there directions and advise on installing it in my PC. Now my free use of Microsoft Office 2010 is up and it was time to upgrade, no problem right I have the card I purchased with the product key code in this card shaped, sealed and perforated areas on the sides to open the card easily to get the code to upgrade to a paid version to have my own Version of MS Office 2010 software. Only approximately 3 months went by and I was ready to use my purchased version. The users are trying to help me get the software I purchased. The representative at Walmart in the Electronics Dept. of course does not work there any more. I wonder why? The card I purchased was suppose to work together with the receipt to give me the Product Key to Upgrade my software to a paid version. I paid over $300.00 for this and I cannot use it because I have no receipt and I paid cash for it because I had just finished installing a toilet, sink faucet and a tub faucet, including all the water lines replaced and the people, my customers were happy with the job I did (I’m A Certified Building Contractor) My customers paid me right own the job in cash that is the only reason I paid for the software in cash. I had a little over 800.00 and I spent over 425.00 in that store. I was so mad at myself for believing a person I did not even know. The manager said they could not help me I even showed them who told me this information and I asked if they could just print me up a copy of the receipt. The manager replied that he could not do that it was not his area that he made decisions.I don’t believe he even knew how to do it. I asked to speak to the manager for that dept. and there was nobody that could help me. So now I have a Product Key Code that does not work and can’t find anyone to help me to resolve the problem. Its not like I’m asking for my money back I just want the software I paid for. One of the people that has been helping me learn the software told me to contact Microsoft direct with the address of the Walmart that did this to me and now does not want to help me resolve the issue. Maybe I should go to the news media and they could contact Walmart and get me a real Product Key Code, then he could write how great and helpful they were. When they were far from ever being helpful to me ever. It’s been almost a year and they have made endless promises to help take care of this issue, then that person is no longer to be found and I have to tell another manager and ask him to help and tell him what the other manager had already promised to do to help me resolve the problem, and all I get is YES to death but no help. So I am going to contact Microsoft and tell them what I have been going threw and maybe they will help me as the person who told me to contact them said she would guarantee they would help me and they would deal with Walmart slandering there products because they don’t work. I’m sure Microsoft will not be very happy with what Walmart did to me and who knows how many others. Whatever you do don’t believe what someone else tells you about any product unless they work directly with the product and/or the company that sells the product. I should have not purchased MS Office 2010 from Walmart I should have purchased it from Microsoft and I would not be in this mess right now. Buyers Beware of what people will do. Instead of learning there job if they were ever even trained. They will tell you whatever it is they think, which is nothing but an opinion from someone that knows nothing about the product they are selling to someone else asking the questions about the product. Like Me! It will never happen again I will only buy from Microsoft…I’m very excited to see if Microsoft can really help me and not give me tons of broken promises.

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